10 Pieces of Advice I Would Give my Younger Self

Hello there!
Since I recently celebrated a birthday, I find myself in a reflective mood and thought it would be interesting to list pieces of advice I would give my younger self. I think these posts are so fun to read and I think turning 31 earns me a little bit of wisdom. So here are some random and more serious insights I would pass along to a younger, more naive and bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and me. Here goes!
1.) Wear what you want
One thing I would tell my younger self is to experiment more with fashion and not be afraid to go with bold and fun statements. I have always loved putting an outfit together, but definitely have held back from what feels most “me” in order to look more trendy or not stand out too much. But now I would go back and tell myself to just GO for it and wear what makes you feel happy and confident, even if looking back it’s a little cringe haha.
2.) Smile and laugh more
I would FOR SURE tell my younger self to LAUGH MORE and stop taking life so seriously. Seriously. Life will get heavy and hard no matter what, so it’s even more important to find ways to bring levity and laughter into daily life.
3.) Buckle up
I think it would have been helpful to have had a more realistic view of the challenges that come with adulthood. A lot of the struggles and heartache and adjustments were a lot harder because I didn’t EXPECT them or thought if I did certain things right I could somehow protect myself from them. Sometimes there is wisdom and truth in that, but many things we experience are outside of our control and not necessarily fair. So I would tell my younger self that trials are NOT a sign of failure and are part of life to expect.
4.) Don’t put your happiness on hold
One of the most common misconceptions I had as a younger adult (and teenager) was that once _______happened, then I would be happy. Once I got that job, met that person, finally got healthy or got my own place, then I could really enjoy life. Fortunately as I have taken more trips around the sun and have experienced many setbacks and delays in my chronic illness journey, I have learned to be much more content each day. It is ALL about enjoying and getting excited about the simple little joys that we have each week.
5.) Accept more often than decline
Something I have realized is that I tend to regret declining an invitation, offer or experience more in hindsight than accepting one and learning from it. I for sure would encourage my younger self to just ACCEPT more invitations or experiences without attaching any pressure on them to turn out certain ways.
6.) But say no to the right things
I would also say—there is for sure a time to say no or walk away and that is when there is an area of your life that is causing unnecessary strain on your mental and emotional wellbeing. Sometimes staying in a relationship for too long or a stressful situation is just not worth it for the time we waste. Also, if your gut is warning you that trying something will be harmful or cause consequences that aren’t worth it, it’s worth saying no. I would encourage my younger self to be more assertive in drawing healthy boundaries for sure.
7.) be kinder to yourself
I would encourage my younger self to be more patient and kind in my self-talk and attitude. It really does absolutely nobody any good to be your own worst enemy! If you are being a gentle encourager to yourself, everyone wins.
8.) Reach out to that person
I definitely would go back and encourage myself to take more initiative when it comes to friendships and relationships with others. Whether that means reaching out to that person who is going through a hard time or showing interest in someone or letting that friend know they are on your mind, I think it’s important to prioritize that in your twenties.
9.) Take lots of pictures
I have honestly found that I never regret taking more photos, but often times regret taking less. For sure it’s great to be in the moment, but there is just something really special to me about looking back on photos to capture memories. I am a huge fan of scrapbooks, photo collages and just looking back on sweet memories.
10.) trust god more
My twenties were an absolutely crazy time (as they are for many). If I could sit down with my 21-year-old self I would tell her to actually trust God more..like in the day to day. Yes, things are going to get rough and there will be unavoidable hardship, but God is going to get you through and you don’t have to figure everything out on your own.
what about you?
I think this list could go on for ages. With each point I thought of at least three more! But I think you get the idea. So, your turn! What are some of your top pieces of advice you would give your younger self?