Livin' La Vida Lyme--Part 2

I want to split this post into four sections: treatment overview, detoxing, mood-stabilizing and energy-boosting. Because I believe no two Lyme cases are the same I am not promoting my specific treatment protocol as the standard for everyone to use. But I want to share some of the biggest game changers in my regiment in case it helps anybody else.
LD treatment is complicated and controversial. Therefore it's really hard to pinpoint exactly what treatments have made the most difference. What I can say is that there have definitely been some supplements, detox tricks and diet suggestions that have greatly helped my experience of symptoms.
1.) Antibiotics
I have consumed several antibiotics over the past 22 months (more than I can remember) for LD as well as co-infections (other infections that can be transmitted through the tick bite--see ILADS website for more details). I'm sure they have helped on some level but the experience hasn't been all roses. Probiotics and detoxing are essential when taking antibiotics long-term!
2.) Herbs
Many Lyme-literate doctors, including my own, like to combine natural medicines with Western, traditional medicines. So I also take many herbs that function as natural antibiotics (which fortunately are less harsh on the gut!) I believe these have helped a great deal.
3.) Supplements
One of the BIGGEST sources of symptom relief throughout treatment has come through a variety of supplements. Vitamins, minerals, probiotics and even more tailored supplements for symptoms like nausea and fatigue have made a huge difference (see lists below for some specifics).
4.) Rife Machine
This is a new addition to my regimen, given to me by a trusted friend and mentor who used it to help treat a good deal of her and her daughter's vicious Lyme cases. This treatment is more of an underground method and uses frequencies to kill the Lyme bacteria. I have only just started to use it and cannot yet speak to its effectiveness. I will say that the experience so far has been intense and I believe it's doing good damage!
1.) FISH OIL!!!!! (2-3 capsules a day)--helps a lot with depression, anxiety, and stabilizing my overall mood
2.) Magnesium (helps a LOT with jitters and anxiety and digestion)
3.) Cutting back on SUGAR and CAFFEINE (as HARD as that is) really makes a difference in my overall temperament. As a former sugar and caffeine addict, it definitely took me the longest to incorporate this one...
4.) Melatonin and Benadryl to help SLEEP at night! (because a wise roommate once told me that the quality of your next day always starts the night before)
5.) SUNSHINE!!!! And a little fresh air...(Vitamin D)
6.)A LITTLE physical activity...(within limits--even a quick errand or short walk) to get some endorphins circulating
7.) Relying on my support system and faith! (Sometimes the easiest to neglect but the most powerful when relied upon)
1.) Adrenal supplements made a HUGE difference for me (though should only be taken under supervision of doctor)
2.) Co-q-10 (again, taken under supervision of a doctor)
2.) Salt stick with electrolyte capsules really help with energy and managing dizzy/lightheaded spells
3.) Natural sources of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium) like coconut water and Kombucha are great boosters (especially in the afternoon)
4.) Eating regularly and having (healthy, protein-based) snacks on hand
5.) PACING myself and taking time to stop and rest BEFORE I push myself too far and shut down
So there you have a highlight reel of my treatment protocols and tips for detoxing, mood-stabilizing and energy-boosting (with highly posed, somewhat unrealistic, artsy photos to match!) It took me a long time to fully commit to the diet, supplements, etc., but once incorporating them became a habit I started to reap the benefits. To anybody dealing with LD or a chronic illness, do you have any go-to's for detoxing or managing symptoms? I'd love to hear!