My Alcohol Ink Obsession...and a Check-In

Hello, world! I realize that I have been a little MIA lately....all I can say about that is that it's been an extra struggle for me to get back into the blogging mindset. Sometimes the instant you begin taking breaks and missing a few weeks, the harder it becomes to get back into that regular flow of thinking (as it is with most disciplines in life...) Not to mention that my brain fog has been extra foggy lately...adding another obstacle to writing a somewhat legible and interesting blog post.
That said, I figured these alcohol inks were a great way to break the silence and reengage with my blog. Truthfully, it's been harder to blog lately because life has been changing up a bit. This summer has brought many unexpected changes that have been both healthy and healing. For one, it's been great having my sister home and making some new memories with her before life takes us in different directions again. Not to mention I have finally reached a peace of mind about living where I am and am no longer counting down the days until I can "get my old life back," so to speak. In many ways God is opening my eyes to several unexpected blessings and opportunities right in my hometown. Most notably, I have had more energy to go out and enjoy life!
After I started using the Rife Machine back in the winter, it opened a pandora's box of symptoms that I thought I was done dealing with (mostly increased generalized body pain). By April, I decided that the Rife Machine, however powerful, wasn't for me and that I was going to stop taking antibiotics to give my body time to recover. Since then, I have noticed several worthwhile improvements (less anxiety, sleep issues, general ill feeling) but pain and energy limitations persist. Because of persisting pain, I now take more pain medicine which creates brain fog and mental clarity issues....making traditional blogging even more difficult.
I have channeled my need to be creative and productive into my art, and that is where the direction of this post is headed. While I haven't been typing novels or long, articulate life insights, I have honed my artistic skills and stretched my creative expressions in ways that bring joy, order and energy to my life. So now I want to show you some of my favorite creations with the alcohol ink paints to give you a better idea of what I mean.