Valentine's Tree Ideas

Have you ever wanted an excuse to keep your Christmas tree up while not making it overtired? If so, I have a great project for you to try: making a Valentine’s tree!
the perfect winter project
I have wanted to make a Valentine’s tree for a long time and am so happy I got around to it this year. Personally, I don’t understand why we can’t keep the cozy magic of Christmas decor into the rest of the bleak winter months. I’ve thought about doing a post-Christmas winter wonderland tree before with DIY snowflakes, etc., but the Valentine’s Day decor was just too adorable to resist!
In this post I’ll walk you through my decorating process and hopefully give you some ideas to get you started.
First and foremost, it is very important to have a general vision of what you want your Valentine’s tree to look like. For instance, I knew I wanted my color palate to be pink and red with little pops of sparkle and pattern. And I definitely wanted ribbon and florals to be the main event.
Fortunately there are so many great ideas on Pinterest for Valentine’s trees that range from feminine and delicate to funkier and festive. I suggest having at least three different staples for your tree decor and sticking to a color palette of no more than three colors.
After you have an overall vision for your tree, it’s time to collect the supplies! There are many ways to decorate a Valentine’s tree on a budget and you can find many great decor staples from The Dollar Tree, Walmart, Target and Michael’s crafts.
I knew I wanted a more feminine and whimsical look for my tree, so I decided on ribbon and faux florals for my main staples. I fortunately had a few roles of pink satin ribbons and and a nice assortment of Valentine’s colored pipe cleaners sliding around my craft drawer which were absolutely perfect. I wrapped a few yards worth of the pink ribbons around the tree as a foundation (mine is a miniature tree). Next I used a few handfuls of red, pink, silver and gold pipe cleaners to shape little heart ornaments to dangle throughout the branches. Hearts are a must, right?
For the rest of the tree decor, I used two bouquets worth of faux flowers, gingham ribbon and this pink, sparkling heart ornament as a tree topper. I all found all of these supplies at Michael’s crafts on sale. Woooo!
After laying the ribbon foundation for the tree and adding some pipe cleaner heart ornaments, it was time for the flowers. I knew I wanted to do some variation of pink flowers as the tree’s main feature, but I did not know exactly how that would manifest until I got to the floral aisle at Michael’s. There were SO many stunning bouquets and floral garlands that I was having a hard time choosing. Ultimately I decided to get 2 bouquets of baby pink and blush faux peonies because I knew they would fill out the tree well. I cut the flower heads off of each stem and chose to insert them throughout the tree.
Finishing Touches
After adding the ribbon, pipe cleaners and florals, the only remaining step was to add the tree topper. I chose to fasten the heart topper by tying it around the tree’s top branch with the gingham ribbon in a cute bow. I love how the gingham ribbon gives adds a chic flare to the otherwise delicate and feminine look.
I even decided to use more of the gingham ribbon by adding in a few more miniature bows throughout any remaining gaps in the tree. It was the perfect final touch!
Could I have kept going with more decorations? For sure! In fact there were some really sweet heart garlands at Michael’s that would make for a fabulous Valentine’s tree, but I did not want to clutter the tree up too much. All in all, I am satisfied with the result!
what about you?
Since this was my first attempt at a Valentine’s tree, I am so curious to hear if any of you have tried this before? If so, what are some of your go-to looks? If not, do you leave your Christmas tree up throughout the winter or ever redecorate it for another season or holiday? I would love to hear in the comments below!
stay tuned
Stay tuned in the coming weeks for some more Valentine’s themed content!