How to Brighten Up Someone's Day

Spot the need
We've all been there. We see someone who is really struggling but feel helpless to do anything about it. Maybe you have asked them if you can help out, but they just aren't able or ready to accept it. Despite what someone might say, there is usually something we can do for them.
I've come up with some simple ways we can cheer someone up no matter what they might be going through.
1.) Cards
I'm a huge fan of homemade cards--both giving and receiving them. When I got sick and stopped working and had a lot more time on my hands, I started making a lot of homemade cards for friends.
I can't tell you the number of times that friends told me how good these cards made them feel. And I know receiving a sweet note can have the same encouraging power for me.
If you aren't creative and don't have time to make anything, I recommend keeping a supply of generic cards on hand. If you aren't confident in your writing abilities or don't know what to say, just thank them for being a great friend and tell them how much they mean to you. If sharing emotions doesn't come easy, try Googling an encouraging quote or Bible verse and simply writing that out.
It sounds like a lot, but it doesn't have to take up more than 10 minutes of your life if you keep it simple. And for 10 minutes, you could truly touch someone's heart just when they need it the most.
2.) A quick check-in
Sometimes all you need to do to cheer someone up is simply check in on them. Whether that's a phone call, Skype date, simple voicemail or even text message, you are letting that person know they are on your mind.
I've never regretted giving someone a call, but there have been many times where I've regretting not doing so when I've had the urge and let it pass.
3.) Care package
Who doesn't love a good care package? Just recently a dear friend of mine sent me a very thoughtful care package because she wanted to give me some tangible encouragement. I can't tell you how loved and special I felt as a result.
Care packages are great because you can include a variety of little gifts and don't need to spend a ton of money. You can never go wrong with tasty treats or some self-care items (candles, lotions, nail polish, notebook, etc). I highly recommend places like Marshall's, T.J Max or even the front section at Target to fill up a box with some little goodies.
Don't overthink it--the gesture alone will speak volumes.
4.) A throwback
I don't know if this necessarily works for everyone, but something always lifts my mood is reminiscing over a fond memory with someone.
Sometimes my sister will send me a YouTube link to a song that we used to sing together and it immediately makes me laugh. Or sometimes a friend will send me a picture from a great time we shared together and mention that they were thinking about it and missing me.
Reminding someone who is suffering of fond memories with them can encourage them that life isn't always stressful or difficult and give them hope for more good memories in the future.
5.) A special treat
One of the surest ways to encourage someone who might be going through a hard time is to intentionally do something special for them.
If possible, plan to spend some time with them. Maybe take them shopping, out to eat somewhere fun or spend an evening baking cookies and watching something together. If that can't work out with their schedule, try surprising them with their favorite coffee or snack to help them get through their day.
Well, those are my ideas! I'd love to know if anyone has other suggestions to add to the list!