The Unsung Heroes

This is a very impromptu blog post, but the topic has been burning on my heart and I have a desperate need to get it out!
I find the beginning of post-holiday winter season an optimal time to binge on epic movies. Recently I have re-watched some classics—Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, etc. What I love about re-watching such stories is that I notice and learn something different every time.
While the burning topic I long to discuss applies to many epic tales, I want to focus specifically on The Lord of the Rings for this post. For those who are not acquainted with the series, this post won’t make much sense and I apologize.
In the past, the characters I usually admired most from those movies were Legolas and Aragorn. I even had a poster of Aragorn in my room when I was younger (shhh). For those who are fans, I’m sure you can immediately understand the appeal of those characters. They are incredibly skilled warriors, valiant, strong and, let’s face it, quite easy on the eyes. They are your typical heroes. And more than being simply awesome in themselves, they are also loyal and sacrificial. Truly there is much to truly admire about these characters.
But when I recently re-watched these movies, it was as though I was watching them with new eyes. While I still admire Aragorn and Legolas, this time around I saw that they were not the true heroes of the tale.
The Unlikely Heroes
I now believe that the true heroes of the tale are Frodo, and even more, Sam. The character I now admire most is Sam.
I am firmly convinced that Frodo and Sam had the most difficult task out of everyone else. While nearly every good character in the series makes important and painful sacrifices, I don’t believe there were any as daunting, isolating and soul-agonizing than that of carrying and delivering the ring directly to Mordor.
The ring is said to eat away at and slowly corrode the soul of the one who bears it. For Frodo, carrying that ring around day and night for several months took an enormous toll on his body, mind and spirit. While war is draining on anyone’s spirit, at least the rest have the camaraderie of each other to bear the burden. Frodo himself must bear the unique burden of the ring’s power and corruption and be the one to destroy it in the fires of Mordor. Frodo, deservedly, gets much credit for ultimately finishing this task at the end of The Return of the King.
But do you know who doesn’t get any credit? Sam!!!!!!!!!
The True Hero
I firmly believe that Sam, even more than Frodo, is the true hero of The Lord of the Rings.
Why do I say this? Because without Sam’s support, companionship, help and night-and-day co-laboring with Frodo—there is absolutely no way in Middle Earth that Frodo would have been able to even get to Mordor, let alone finish his mission! Not only would he not have survived without Sam’s physical help in taking care of him each day, sacrificing portions of his own food and water to make sure Frodo was nourished, saving him multiple times from death, but he wouldn’t have even had the motivation to finish it without Sam’s relentless encouragement and faith in him.
There were several times where Frodo wanted to throw the towel in and accept defeat (understandably so). He grew too weary, too exhausted, too discouraged and bludgeoned by the ring’s relentless corruption. So what did Sam do? He kept encouraging Frodo to hang in there. He wholeheartedly believed in their mission and made sure Frodo knew how all of their pain, sacrifice and discomfort would ultimately be worth it. When Frodo was too tired, he supported him and even carried him at times. When Frodo was too weak to see through Gollum’s schemes, Sam stayed alert and protected Frodo with everything he could muster. Even after Frodo betrays Sam by believing Gollum’s lies over Sam’s trustworthy warnings, leaving Sam behind, Sam forgives and comes back for him, knowing that Frodo was as good as dead if left alone with Gollum. Sam saved Frodo from Shelob, the giant spider, and then, even once they made it to Mordor, Sam was the one to make sure Frodo was able to follow through with his mission (which he nearly didn’t) and save Frodo himself from falling into the fires.
I’m sure there is more that Sam did that I missed, but you get the point (I hope) that Sam, even more than Frodo, is the true hero of the tale. I wish he received more credit and recognition for his invaluable contributions. He isn’t even considered one of the main characters (often referred to as the fat hobbit), and yet his relentless, sacrificial devotion to Frodo is the ultimate reason why Sauron didn’t win. His role in Frodo’s journey made the difference between defeat and certain death versus victory and salvation for all of Middle Earth!
Not only that, but Sam is an absolutely incredible man (well, hobbit). He is brave beyond measure, fiercely loyal, compassionate, understanding, good-natured, sacrificial, humble and has incredible mental fortitude. He isn’t perfect, a skilled fighter or the most popular—but he has a true hero’s heart.
Why Do I Care So Much?
Maybe you have picked up on my emotion behind these words, but I am quite passionate about this topic. Sam’s character speaks to me so much because I believe he displays some of the most rare, valuable and praiseworthy traits one could desire—in a friend and in one’s own heart.
I have been lucky enough to have had a few Sams in the course of my life, and know firsthand how rare and precious they are. And the thing about these Sams is that they never see themselves as heroes. They give 100% of themselves to their friends joyfully and selflessly and don’t think anything of it. They partner so fully with their friend that they see that person’s pain as their very own.
I have learned to appreciate these Sams more than ever during these years of chronic Lyme disease. At times I can relate to Frodo in those feelings of discouragement, helplessness and weakness. And I say this so truly—if it weren’t for Sams in my life throughout certain stages of this burdensome illness, I am not sure I would be where I am now. I don’t believe I would still have a healthy level of fight, hope, joy or life in me. I certainly would not feel as worthwhile and valued without the loyal, heartfelt support of Sams. And I truly desire to acknowledge and give the proper credit that these Sams deserve!
I think there is a reason why these Sams make such an impact. They display the character of Christ so vividly. Like Sam, Jesus Christ is the true hero of our stories. He is the one who did the heaviest lifting, in dying on the cross in our place, knowing he would hardly receive the credit due for such a mighty, valiant salvation (Phil. 2:8-9). Sams live out the gospel in tangible ways. They die to their selfishness and count their friends as more significant than even themselves (Phi. 2:3). And in that posture, they pave the way for amazing things to happen!
Sam’s character and role shows that friends like him can make the literal difference between life and death in someone’s life, which can have enormous ripple effects in society. Watching these movies again inspires me to become a Sam to others. Instead of seeing Sam’s role as secondary and unimportant, I now value it as the noblest role there could ever be!
What About You?
Every epic story has a Sam in it. Have you ever had any Sams in your life who have walked with you through some difficult times? Are there any “unsung heroes” that you admire from certain tales or even real life?
Disclaimer: All images have been taken from Google