My 2021 Motto

Happy New Year
Hey friends, Happy 2021!
For anyone out there who has read my blog for a little while, you probably remember that I usually like to pick a specific word to focus on each year. 2019 was “steadfast,” and 2020 was “courage.” Well, for 2021 I decided to change things up. Instead of picking a specific word to theme the upcoming year, I chose a phrase. This phrase has been on my heart for a little while and I find it simple, motivating and helpful. Plus I can’t seem to find a word for 2021 that sits well with me, as there are so many unknown factors about the coming year and I want to be careful of setting expectations that aren’t going to mesh well with whatever the year brings.
The Phrase
So, what is this phrase? Essentially it is this: “be faithful in the little things.”
Where does this phrase come from? Well, it is actually inspired from Bible verses in the Parable of the Dishonest Manager. Here are the verses:
Luke 16:10: “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.”
Matthew 25:21: “His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’”
These verses validate that our faithful efforts with the most mundane, simple tasks are noticed and eventually rewarded. It’s a pretty basic concept—when we are students, the way we progress is by consistently paying attention in class, completing our homework and putting in the effort to study for exams. Our dedication to those routine tasks over time is what opens the door for better opportunities down the road. The same principle applies to any skill, sport or job we are trying to learn.
We all know this logically, but it can be difficult to stay consistent with tedious and seemingly insignificant tasks when we don’t always enjoy them or see the reward. But this phrase teaches that we won’t truly be prepared to handle those higher responsibilities until we learn to be consistent and conscientious with the small duties. I believe this concept applies to almost every area of life—school, career, personal responsibilities and spiritual growth. We cast a vision of where we want to go, but we focus on what is in front of us and give our best to those tasks. The rest will take care of itself.
Personal Application
The reason I am so attracted to this phrase, “be faithful in the little things,” is because I find it motivating and empowering. One of the hardest parts of living with a chronic, sometimes debilitating, illness is that there can be very little to show for my time and efforts. Some days, just getting up and moving, showering or making some food can be extremely painful and use up all the strength I have for that day. On those days, it feels like I ran a marathon but I have nothing to show for my exertion. It can be easy to feel defeated and question whether my existence is making any difference.
But if my faithful efforts with even the smallest tasks and basic responsibilities are noticed by God and have value in preparing me for whatever is coming, then I am motivated to try my best each day. It makes me think of that popular phrase, “trust the process,” because sometimes all we can do is be diligent with what is in front of us and have faith that doing so will grow our character and capacity to truly handle more down the road. I personally believe this and have seen it play out many times in my own life and the lives of others I know. And I personally find this concept exciting!
That’s All For Now
Well, that is all I’m going to say on the topic for now! I definitely would like to continue exploring this concept and share my journey in applying it throughout the year. For anyone out there who does a word or phrase for each new year, I would love to hear!