Summer Ponderings

Hello there!
I hope this post finds you in good spirits! I thought it would be fun to do a diary-style post and share some of my latest “ponderings”. Can you believe we are already over half-way through 2022? I don’t know about you, but this year has FLOWN for me. It’s been full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and lots of special moments in the mix.
I realized that this is the first year in a while that I have not intentionally selected any word or phrase. I wish I had a sophisticated explanation for that, but I simply forgot! I’ve finally landed on a decent one that sums up this year!
You ready for it?
It’s pretty simple…..”Don’t postpone your joy.”
There, I said it. Don’t postpone your joy! Don’t postpone your ability to enjoy and take in life for some future outcome, circumstance, season, status, opportunity, milestone, etc. The truth is….EVERY season offers unique opportunities and unique challenges that we have to endure. If we are constantly waiting for ________ to happen in order to find joy…..well…we might not be happy for a long time!
Have you ever heard that cheesy quote that goes something like, “life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning to dance in the rain?” I know, it’s super cringey. But isn’t it also profound? I challenge you to find ways to be joyful and enjoy yourself, however small, no MATTER what circumstances you face daily.