2022 Health Arsenal

Do you or any loved ones struggle with chronic illness such as Lyme disease or mold illness? If so, I hope this post can give you some helpful ideas for ways to manage your symptoms in a more holistic way.
Happy New Year!
We made it to 2023!!!! Give yourself a big pat on the back and exhale. Another year in the books and another year fresh with no mistakes in it…yet. Or at least not too many, right?
Before I dive into my new year’s content, I want to share a detailed roundup with the different health-related habits, medicines, treatments and random devices that have piled into my health arsenal over the past year. The list below contains items I have incorporated into my treatment protocol at one point or another in 2022 that I believed have helped manage symptoms.
Some themes you will see are detoxing and calming the nervous system. My goal for the year was to ease away from aggressive Lyme treatments and inside focus on supporting my nervous system and continuing to detox. While this is a very gradual process and I have a rather long way to go, I believe it has produced some cumulative benefits.
1.) Devices:
FREmedia WAVE 1 band
I used this FREmedica frequency band for the first six months of 2022. There are three settings on the band—detoxify body, treat Lyme, and treat other viruses. Because I am highly sensitive and prone to reactions, I was only ever able to handle the initial detox setting for a few minutes at a time, but the cumulative use was beneficial to my body overall.
The best part about this brand is they allow you to return the device, no questions asked, for nearly a full refund if you do not see desired results.
Visit https://fremedica.com/ for more information.
Grounding mat
This is one of my favorite health aresnal attitions! I started using my grounding mat in August and found it has calmed my parasympathetic nervous system considerably
Visit https://www.earthing.com/ for more information about earthing mats and other products
I started using this Theraface device around November and truly love it. There are settings for red, blue and NIR lights, a micro-current attachment, and attachments for percussion therapy.
Visit https://www.therabody.com/us/en-us/theraface-pro-facial-care-device.html for more information.
Rebound Trampoline
I was on a roll with this throughout the fall and have since lapsed a bit—but using a rebounding trampoline has been another great way for me to detox the lymphatic system and get my heart rate up a bit!
I ended up getting a cheap one from Dick’s Sporting Goods you can check out here.
The Sea-band is my most recent addition to the daily health arsenal. A month ago I got covid for my second time and have since been experiencing bouts of vertigo and nausea that come and go randomly. The Sea-band has been an easy way to mitigate that spinning sensation a little and I have started wearing it daily.
You can purchase a Sea-band inexpensively at CVS, Target, Amazon and many other places.
Online Rife Frequencies
Last winter I stumbled across online rife machine frequencies that I love to listen on YouTube when I need an extra boost or aid. I pretty much only listen to Spooky2 frequencies, as I know they manufactur solid devices.
You can listen to many free rife frequencies on Spooky2 Rife’s YouTube channel.
2.) Supplements:
Licorice Root
I started taking this Herb Pharm Licorice Root Extract tincture in October to help elevate my body’s depleted cortisol levels and feel it has been slowly helping
I struggle with many hormonal imbalances and particularly debilitating PMS mood swings. Progesta Plus has been a great go-to to help naturally balance out my body’s progesterone dips during chunks of my cycle. I would not call it a cure but it definitely helps.
This brand is my favorite.
Jubilance PMS Support
Speaking of PMS, this supplement has probably been the MOST helpful for me overall.
You can read more about the science of how Oxaloacetate works on their website.
Bentonite Clay
Bentonite clay is an inexpensive, natural detoxifying agent that binds very effectively to mycotoxins, neurotoxins and endotoxins. I try and take it several nights a week (always spaced out 2 hours before and after any foods or other medications).
You can order Yerba Prima Bentonite Detox Liquid here.
3.) Homeopathy:
My functional medicine doctor initially had me try this back in 2020 for detoxing, but my body was too sensitive at the time and had a bad initial reaction. Fortunately I can now tolerate it and try to use it most days to help stay on top of cleansing my lymphatic system.
You can check out Itires Drops here.
CellTropin Endocrine Support
This is a great supplement to help support cellular recover and healing from stress and damage done to the immune system and pituitary gland caused by environmental toxins (i.e. mold illness).
You can order a bottle here.
4.) Nasal Sprays:
Colloidal Silver
This spray has been helpful for ongoing sinus infections as well as treating lingering symptoms of Covid that targeted the sinuses
You can purchase Soverign Silver’s brand here
Probiotic Spray
This LiviaOne Probiotics Nasal Spray is great for balancing out toxins and infections with good nasal bacteria.
Xlear Nasal Spray
This is a xylitol-based nasal spray that helps a lot with sinus infections and congestion.
You can order a bottle here.
Cromolyn Sodium
This is an antihistamine nasal spray that can help with allergy-induced sinus infections and irritation. This helped me a lot during the fall when my allergies triggered a nasty sinus infection!
You can order a bottle here.
5.) Drinks:
Electrolyte Packets
These Ultima hydration packets are great for days where it’s hot or you are in need of an extra hydration boost. You can get them at CVS or order them here.
Lemon water
I’ve been trying to drink lemon water on a daily basis to consistently detox. Hot water with lemon is especially beneficial.
Ginger tea
Since having Covid again I’ve struggled with a lot of morning nausea—ginger tea has helped the MOST with mitigating that.
Licorice Root tea
Licorice root tea is another great way to support cortisol levels in the body.
I recommend this brand.
Celsius Live Fit
Celsius Live Fit energy drink (in can or packet form) is my absolute go-to for emergency energy. There are tons of vitamins, nutrients, electrolytes and caffeine to give you the pick-me-up of caffeine but not dehydrate you in the process.
Celsius watermelon flavor is my favorite.
V8 Vegetable Juice
Did you know that one of the most hydrating drinks out there is V8? I didn’t! I really have been trying to support my body’s sodium and electrolyte levels and V8 is a great, inexpensive way to do that. You can find bottles or cans at most any grocery store.
Turmeric Milk
I love to make turmeric milk before bed as a way to combat inflamation and calm me down.
I really love this golden milk recipe.
Celery Juice
I was on a roll with making homemade celery juice for a little bit before the holidays hit and found it to be so refreshing and hydrating.
You can read about the benefits and find a simple recipe here.
In Conclusion
I hope that this very long and detailed list of my latest recommended treatments and supplements could be useful for you or anyone you may know who struggles with chronic symptoms due to environmental and bacterial illnesses (Lyme disease, co-infections, CIRS, general inflammation.)
Please feel free to reach out or comment below with any specific questions or even suggestions of similar supplements that I could add to this arsenal in 2023!