2023 Goals

Do you need some fresh ideas for your 2023 goals and intentions? I hope this post will give you the inspiration you need to set realistic goals that align with your core values.
Happy 2023!
I hope to get you excited about the new year by sharing my top three priorities for 2023. To me, goals are only as effective to the degree the core motivation behind the goals is important to us. Sometimes the best way to set up goals is to FIRST establish your biggest, overarching priorities for the upcoming year.
In the past I have selected words and phrases, which have been awesome. But this year I already feel certain priorities weighing on my spirit that are begging for the time to shine. I want to share my three priorities for 2023 that will be the baseline for any tangible and measurable goals I set.
1.) Creativity
My first priority for 2023 is CREATIVITY!!!!! Sure, I already make time for being creative but sometimes I feel a smidge guilty for it and wonder if I be doing something more constructive, productive or practical. OR I only give myself permission to be creative if there is some tangible result from the effort. But this year I am allowing myself to be creative JUST for the sake of working that creative muscle.
The truth is, investing time into creativity is never a waste. While the crescendo of a creative endeavor may be a literal project—the process of stimulating inspiration, brainstorming ideas and mapping out the execution process is just as beneficial to our growth. For me, the best ways to inspire creativity these days have been short nature walks (gotta love that nippy air), reading stories, watching quality films and listening to music. Sometimes I even get inspired from consuming other creative content in the forms of blogs, YouTube videos and magazines. The result of that time is always a fresh wellspring of ideas sprinkled with charges of excitement. Now tell me that isn’t a worthy endeavor!
2.) Consistency
I wasn’t sure if I should add this point, but I think I must! Being consistent is HARD!!!! So, let me define what I mean by consistency: the intention to get back up no matter how rough the fall. Yep. That’s what I mean by consistency. This isn’t a checklist, robotic, neurotic formula doomed for eventual failure but rather a MINDSET to engage in and do what I know needs to be done daily—and when I don’t, the mindset that tomorrow is another day to start over. None of this all-or-nothing business because that just isn’t life!
3.) Connection
Last but not least, I want to prioritize meaningful connections with others this year. As an introvert, sometimes I really need to push myself in this area. So this year I want to remember how much connecting with others enriches life, lightens burdens and helps life make more sense. I am excited for opportunities to form new connections and strengthen existing ones!
Setting Goals
Now that I’ve established my three core priorities for 2023—I can begin to brainstorm more practical and tangible ways to go about pursuing those priorities. For instance, to prioritize creativity I can aim to complete one creative task daily, however small. For consistency, I can shoot to repeat a small positive habit daily, however menial. And to maintain connections with others, I can commit to engaging with a certain few friends each week and so on.
Does this make sense? I hope looking at your goals in line with your greater priorities is helpful and gives you a sense of excitement and clarity for the coming year rather than stress and pressure!
What About You?
Now that you know my priorities for 2023, I would love to know yours! To me, people’s goals are so revealing about their hearts, priorities and overall inner life. So whether they are in the form of a resolution list or intentional phrase, I am eager to hear!