Fall Favorites

Hey there! I know I already did a blog post about fall, but I couldn’t help myself from doing another one. Maybe I also just wanted an excuse to post more fall pictures and gush more about fall while the season is still with us.
So, let’s start with some of my favorite parts about fall, shall we?
1.) Fashion
Hands down, my favorite part about the fall season is whipping out the sweaters, boots, scarves, flannel and TIGHTS! I am a huge fan of funky tights actually. While I can wear tights all winter, there is something about those lacy, lightweight tights that I just can’t get enough of. I also really love my thigh-high boots. And flannel. And let’s face it, cozy sweaters bring a sense of comfort that is just irreplaceable. Basically fall fashion is the best because you can layer all kinds of different pieces that are actually comfortable!
2.) Food
Somehow once the calendar switches to September, baked goods are everywhere. Breads, muffins, cookies, candies and fresh apples supply every grocery store and farm stand. Foods I might not even think about touching all spring and summer suddenly are a must-have once the air grows crisp and the leaves turn. Being gluten-free and trying to avoid wheat and rice (well…mostly), finding baked goods within my diet is a bit challenging. Fortunately there are a variety of alternative ingredient recipes and treats available that even I can have. I’ve experimented with some Paleo recipes and found them delightful!
3.) Mood
Not only does mood rhyme with food, but autumn contains a mysterious essence that is unique to any other season. Maybe its the dark grey clouds that swirl in contrast to the fiery leaves. Maybe its the spooky themes of Halloween and costumes. Maybe it’s the cool breeze and harvest moons.
Fall is the only time of the year where trees display their finest glory. They ostentatiously flash their brilliant leaves—amber, garnet and topaz jewels radiating in the golden sun.
But the grandeur is fleeting.
Because the transformation is rapid, I find myself desperately wanting to soak it all in before the blazing leaves fade and crumble to the ground. The performance isn’t here long enough to get boring, so it remains forever enchanting.
Perhaps the fleeting nature of fall’s intense beauty makes this season so mysterious and special. Adding Halloween and haunted farms just enforces the underlying moodiness of the season even more. But even if there was no Halloween, fall would be just as mysterious.
What are Your Fall Favorites?
There are so many more fabulous parts of fall I could add to this list. What do you love most about fall? Do you like to spend time outside? Bake? Watch scary movies? Dress in layers? Find a creative costume for Halloween? I’d love to hear!