Holiday Hygge

It’s officially hygge season! Remember I talked about hygge last year?
Let me refresh your memory! Hygge is a Scandinavian concept that embodies the art of coziness, contentment and savoring life’s simple joys. Now that we are heading into the gusty winter months of gray skies, bare trees and chilling breeze, it’s prime time to practice hygge!
Whether you are camped out in a cocoon of blankets in front of a roaring fire, nestled into a sofa before a sparkling Christmas tree, or bundled up in a wool jacket to take a frosty nature walk, there are a few components necessary for a true hygge experience. I thought it would be especially fun to focus on the holidays for this particular hygge post!
1.) Cozy Ambiance
Coziness might be the cornerstone of hygge! So whether that means cuddling up in blankets by a fire, nestling on a comfy couch or bundled up in warm layers—one must feel a sense of coziness and comfort to experience hygge. The best way to make a space more hygge for the holidays is to decorate. And the more pillows, candles, holly and ambiance lighting, the better!
2.) A Serene Environment
Hygge is all about being fully present in the moment. So whether you are baking, reading, knitting, walking outside or enjoying sweet conversation with friends or family by a fire, there should be a sense of serenity and contentment. Hygge helps you pause from life’s demands to be fully present where you are, refreshing your soul in the process!
3.) An Indulgent Treat
Indulgence is another key component to hygge, as it is a reminder to celebrate and appreciate the delicacies in life. My personal favorite hygge indulgences are hot chocolate, espresso and baked goods! During the holiday season, a great way to practice hygge is to bake or cook some seasonal treats that you don’t normally indulge in. To make the experience more special, use your favorite seasonal serving ware and create a festive spread!
4.) An Activity to Savor the Moment
Reading a book, baking, cooking, crafting, listening to music, fishing, nature walks, dinner parties, catching up with friends by a fire—these are all excellent hygge activities. Of course, almost anything could become hygge if it is practiced with a present, indulgent and content spirit! I love baking and decorating Christmas cookies, adorning my space with Christmas decor and painting Christmas cards! These activities help me to tap into the hygge spirit of contentment, coziness and indulgence!
What About You?
What are some ways you like to implement hygge during the holidays? I would love to hear of any traditional or creative suggestions that help you tap into the hygge spirit!