November Vibes

Happy Thanksgiving!
Somehow it is already the end of November and Thanksgiving week is upon us. So instead of my usual “simple joy” roundup, I’m going to do a special ode to Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving might be my favorite holiday….might be. Thanksgiving is one of those holidays where there doesn’t have to be a lot of pressure to prepare or shop or follow a weighty checklist, like Christmas, but it is still very special. I love that Thanksgiving brings family and friends together and reminds people to take inventory of what they most appreciate. But most of all, I must admit, I really, really love the food. Thanksgiving is my favorite meal…probably ever. I love literally every single portion and side, down to the cranberry sauce. I also enjoy the dessert—whether sticking to traditional pumpkin pie or getting more creative with other goodies (I’ll take them all).
In order to stick with the Thanksgiving theme, I will share three things I am very thankful for right now.
I am thankful for the friends and family who continue to walk with me through this long, difficult journey of chronic illness. I immensely appreciate every phone call, card, prayer and piece of connection and hope they steadfastly offer.
I am thankful for the simple joys that color my days—from hot chocolate and seasonal decorations, to good music and podcasts, to epic movies, shows and books, to beautiful scenery outside my window and the hope that each new season brings!
I am MOST thankful to have a hope that is steadfast and secure no matter the difficulties and unpredictability that life continues to bring. I am thankful that nothing needs to be wasted and that there are new mercies each day.
Well, now that I have tapped into the spirit of Thanksgiving I believe it is time to start preparing! I hope that wherever your journey is this year, you are able to take a breather from the hardships of life and take inventory of what you appreciate most!