A Look Back on 2018...

2018 in a nutshell
Happy 2019! I realize this is a little late, but I wanted to make a point of reflecting on the past year before I plunge into this year.
If I could find one word to describe 2018, it would probably be healing. The past year I purposefully and solely focused on healing my body. But this year was also extremely emotionally and spiritually rejuvenating. Last year started with me moving back to Bucks County, leaving my friends and community, a breakup, and feeling basically awful every day (cue the sad violin music). The year ended with me feeling excited about living here, being part of a new community, in a new relationship and showing decent progress in healing. I'd say that is a pretty redeeming year.
Looking back at 2018, here are some highlights that stand out to me the most:
Valentines Day meets birthday tea party with my best friends
If you didn't catch my first blog post, my mom helped me throw an epic DIY floral and Victorian-themed tea party. It was as picture perfect as it gets and I got to share it with all my best friends while eating the yummiest treats. It was the best!
Some well-needed beachfront therapy
After the epic, nearly endless winter, I got to spend about a month in South Carolina. From April to mid-May I was able to relax and get some quality rest time. Most of that chunk was spent at my relatives' beach house in Kiawah Island outside of Charleston where I got to spend my days reading and resting by the pool and beach. Towards the end I spent time with my entire family for my sister's graduation from the College of Charleston. I got home feeling like a different person from all the sun and space. Plus I got to spend quality time with my aunt and uncle which was very special.
Living with my sister again and having SO MUCH FUN
My sister and I got to live under the same roof together for the first time in eight years for about six months in 2018. It was a really special time of rebuilding and growing our relationship as adults and sharing some really fun memories together. Lots of Target trips and Chick-Fil-A runs and of course makeovers.
Quality reunions with friends
A few of my best friends came to visit me here in Bucks County, which was a blast (usually including dress up and movie marathons of some kind). I also got to go back to Northern Virginia a few times to visit some of my friends there. These Virginia trips included some of those deeply-missed wineries and getting to see Anastasia the musical!
Discovering my love of PAINTING
I've said it before on this blog, but I feel like I can't say enough of how much I have LOVED painting with my alcohol inks (see my previous posts). It has become such a source of rest and joy for me and has really nurture my creative side. It forces me to use different parts of my brain and truly escape for a little while. Plus I am able to create such neat designs and use them as cards and who knows what else I can make of them in the future...(hint hint)
Rediscovering Bucks County and falling in love with it all over again
I have always been a country girl at heart. So moving back to Bucks County has really been a huge gift in a lot of ways. Even though I miss my friends, I am genuinely thankful to be in such a beautiful and calm area again. Plus it's been an adventure getting to rediscover the whole greater Philadelphia area as an adult. There is way more going on than I realized and I have such a renewed appreciation for the historical charm and gorgeous countryside (as long as I can get to Target, a coffee shop and Chick-Fil-A I'm good).
Finding a new church to call home
Before I realized how much I love being in Bucks County, I knew it was important that I make an effort to get involved with a local church and start to build a community here regardless of how long I was going to be here. It takes time to make friends, but the first step is always to get involved and try to be consistent. Even though I switched churches midway through the year, I'm so thankful for every step I took to get involved because the communities in both have been so encouraging and helpful to sustaining and growing my faith. I am genuinely looking forward to seeing how those roots will deepen in 2019 as I will hopefully find more ways to get involved that work within my health limits.
The One Year Bible and growing my faith
Probably more than anything else, the thing that most stands out to me as a highlight is reading through the Bible. That was a goal I set at the beginning of 2018 and fortunately, because I had so much time, I was able to make it happen. I have to say the One Year Bible was the best possible way to go about doing this for me because it spaced out the Bible and readings in very manageable portions that give you a good variety each day. I have gotten SO MUCH out of the One Year Bible and God has used it to teach me SO much about Him that has really given me new depths of perspective, conviction and love for Him and His word. I might even do a separate blog post about this because I could go on in a lot more detail about how rewarding this was.
I mentioned this in my last post, but before I discovered my current Lyme doctor and changed my protocol, I was really hitting a wall with my progress. After trying the rife machine, dozens of supplements, countless herbs and an assortment of antibiotics, I hit a wall and nearly gave up. I felt so much relief when I found my current doctor. He simplified my protocol so I can actually manage it and the results have been tangible. I've made HUGE progress and saved a lot of money as a result. Here's to hoping it keeps working!
Unexpectedly falling in love
I haven't gone this deep on the blog yet, but it feels weird to talk about everything else and not talk about my relationship. Midway through 2018 I met an awesome guy and we have had an amazing time together. I will get into more in another post, but dating him as been such a life-giving, exciting, sometimes challenging but overall rewarding experience and I am so thankful that we found each other. That has truly been an unexpected gift and probably the biggest highlight in 2018.
What stands out the most
All these above highlights made my 2018 a rich, rewarding, healing and special year overall. It was not without its challenges, setbacks or discouraging times, but the overarching trajectory of 2018 was one of healing and renewal. I am so grateful to God for providing this time for me to make strides in my health, spend time with amazing people and start to put down some roots here in Bucks County. I can look back and trace God's faithfulness throughout the year and see how He helped me walk through some very hard times and come out with lessons, growth and even special memories. I am confident that no matter what 2019 holds, the same God who carried me through the past year will be faithful to carry me through the next year as I continue to walk with Him and remember His goodness to me even during trials and difficulties.