Snow Day Hygge

Snow Day Hygge

Happy February!

Can you think of a better way to begin this festive month than with piles of fluffy white snow?

I know I gush about every season, but I find white winters to be imcomparably magical, enchanting and peaceful. There is just something invigorating about fresh snow. It purifies the air while muffling the noise of life. When the white flakes begin piling up—I simply must step into the living snow globe!

Do you know what else is great about the snow? I bet you can guess what I’m going to say here….


Hygge did originate in Denmark, after all, where winter months are frequently visited with snow storms. So it is very much a hygge custom to get outside and savor that snowfall.

Of course, after enjoying some time in the fresh, snowy air, it’s time to cozy up!

My favorite way to be cozy is to light a yummy smelling candle, sip some decadent hot chocolate and snuggle up with a book. The more comfortable I am, the better! So fuzzy socks, lots of throw pillows and blankets are a must.

Ultimately snow is what makes winter go from depressing and bleak to magical and special. While I long to maintain the hygge spirit and practices all winter long, it is arguably more festive when it snows!

So stay tuned for more winter hygge-related posts!