Spring Mood Board

Another Season Begins!
Hi friends, happy spring! If you have read my blog for any length of time, you probably notice that I get really into the seasons. One of my favorite parts about living in the Northeast is the natural changing of seasons. In eastern PA I feel like we get a nice, long chunk of each season in its most ideal form. We get bright, hot summers, crisp colorful falls, snowy winters and fresh, flowery springs. It’s wonderful!
I think I may be one of the few who really enjoyed this past winter. I feel like it was one of the best winters in a long time—lots of snowfall that knew to bow out before it overstayed its welcome.
Anyways, for this post I thought it would be fun to do a mood board of all the things that inspire me for the spring season—either creatively, etc. What I love about spring? I love the longer, lighter days. I love sitting on my front porch and enjoying the sunshine and cool breeze. Of course I love flowers—all kinds. I love Easter in all of it’s hopeful glory, and I LOVE the fashion. Give me pastels, sundresses, denim jackets and light layers any day!
I’m so excited to enjoy all that spring has to offer before the hot days of summer roll around!
P.S. I realize that I haven’t been blogging as much lately, and the posts I’ve made are not nearly as deep or lengthy as they used to be. All I can say is that the chronic fatigue and neurological struggles that come with chronic Lyme disease are no joke! So for now, I will continue to post as I am able to and, Lord-willing, will be able to do more writing soon. I have so many fun ideas planned for the blog and want to continue to take a more creative, light, inspiring focus for the content. I will still give health updates here and there, but would prefer this blog to be a diverting escape from the constant heaviness of living with a chronic illness in a crazy world!
So stay tuned for more, and let me know what YOU enjoy most in the springtime!